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Aromatherapy Massage
Aromatherapy Massage

Essential oils have different healing properties for body and mind. They are diluted in carrier oils and with a the massage they are believed to be absorbed through the skin. Also when essential oil molecules are inhaled they affect the limbic system of the brain.  The limbic system controls emotions and influences the nervous system and hormones.  A massage with the essential oil can work from different levels. 


Who can benefit?

Aromatherapy massage is particularly suited to people with conditions involving stress or emotions, for example insomnia, depression headaches, digestive disorders, premenstrual syndrome and back pain. Essential oils can affect heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, memory, digestion and the immune system.


What happens during an aromatherapy massage?

After a consultation, your therapist will select with you one or more essential oils and  which are mixed in a base oil. The oils can be used in a full body massage or to massage specific areas. The subtle aroma of the essential oils will fill the air around you during the massage.



We all have times in our lives when we struggle. Counselling can provide an opportunity to explore and deal with issues in a safe, confidential setting. These issues might be related to a particular problem, a crisis, feelings of stress and panic, difficulties with a relationship, a lack of purpose, or unresolved issues from the past. Counselling can also help with general personal development.


What to expect from a counselling session

You will be encouraged to develop greater awareness of yourself and greater insight into your problems by exploring your feelings and experiences in the present and perhaps what still affects and influences you from the past. Talking confidentially in a supportive non-judgmental environment can provide you with an opportunity to resolve the problems you are currently experiencing and help bring about change.


Counselling is provided by Saskia Burnett



CranioSacral Therapy (CST)

CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle, hands-on method of improving health and function in the body and mind, by correcting fluid imbalances between the cranium (skull) and sacrum (base of the spine).



In the early 20th Century, William G. Sutherland investigated the movement of the bones of the skull and developed techniques to correct abnormal motion between these bones. In the 1970’s Dr. John Upledger investigated the relationship between the movement of the bones in the skull and spine, and the fluid within the brain and spinal cord. These investigations resulted in the development of the therapeutic application of the CranioSacral techniquThis gentle therapy encourages the body to work naturally to restore health and vitality, and maintain the body’s natural equilibrium. CST has been shown to be effective for: chronic pain, migraine, eye difficulties, sinus and ear problems, scoliosis, motor-coordination impairments and learning difficulties, sleep disorders, digestive disorders, stress-related conditions, and other physical and psychological disorders.

CST is suitable for all ages, including very young children and babies, and may bring relief from a wide range of acute and chronic conditions.  After you have completed a course of CST treatment for a specific condition, many people find it beneficial to continue with regular treatments to maintain health and well-being. 

What happens when I go for treatment?

​​The therapist will ask a few questions related to any specific conditions you may have, and any medications you are on. You will remain fully clothed, and be asked to lie on a couch and relax. The therapist will, using a very light touch, place their hands on different areas of your body, to gently correct the fluid imbalances within the system.


The application and the effect of the therapy are unique to each person. After one or two treatments your body may respond in a very definite way. Most people note a sense of well-being and relaxation; sometimes people report feeling tired, but this is transitory. 


CST is provided by Kathryn Watt and Hanka Psenikova


Holistic Massage

Holistic Massage is also called "Swedish" or "Therapeutic" Massage. The treatment can work on specific areas (back, neck and shoulder etc). It can also be a whole body massage.


By using different techniques, the massage helps to relax the muscles, drains away accumulated toxins, improves circulation, stimulates the nervous system and balances the life forces. 


What are the benefits?

Holistic massage can help with many conditions. It can release pain and tensions in muscles and helps with mobility. It is relaxing as well as invigorating affecting nerves, circulation and muscles while giving a sense of well being. It is useful, not only for the above benefits, but as a regular treatment for stress management.


After a consultation with your therapist you will lie on the couch, with most of your clothing removed. Large towels preserve your modesty throughout the treatment. Specific areas of your body are worked on with varying degrees of pressure, depending on your individual needs and preferences.


Hot Stone Therapy

Hot Stone Therapy is a massage where warm basalt stones in different sizes are used to treat. Some warm stones are also placed on specific places on the body during the treatment.


The warmth of the stones makes the massage a deeply therapeutic treatment which has a calming effect on body and mind. The smooth heated stones relax the muscles and ease tensions. It can also bring relief to areas of chronic pain. The treatment can be a full body massage or can concentrate on specific areas.


Hot  Stone Therapy eases muscles stiffness and can provide relief from pain. It can increases the circulation and may help to reduces chronic tension and stress. HST can increases flexibility and can help with many health conditions.


The treatment can be calming and nurturing, yet some clients feel invigorated.


Indian Head Massage

Indian Head Massage developed over 1000 years ago from the Ayurvedic principles which encourage balance in order to achieve and maintain health.  This is attained through massage techniques which treat the physical body as well as aiding the body’s energetic flow.  Relaxing and calming, Indian can be tailored to ease tension away and induce a wonderful feeling of wellbeing or as an energetic stress-busting therapy it can leave you stimulated and energised.


Working on the central nervous system, a variety of massage movements are used to relieve tension, stimulate circulation and improve joint mobility. In keeping with the Ayurvedic principles, Indian Head Massage also works on the body’s energy pathways and chakras  to free blockages and restore balance.


Along with treating medical complaints such as headaches, sinusitis, muscle tension in neck and shoulder, stress or eye strain, Indian Head Massage can improve circulation and concentration, stimulate hair growth, improve the health of the hair and aid the detoxification process.


What to expect from an Indian Head Massage

During a treatment, the client can choose to remain fully clothed or the back can be massaged with oil. After a brief consultation the client will lay on the couch. With an Indian Head Massage back, shoulders, neck, scalp and face are treated.  Clients have the choice of whether oils are used during their treatment or not. The oils can be hugely beneficial for skin and hair. The treatment can also be done seated.  IHM can be tailored to your individual need.




Reflexology is a complementary therapy which works on the feet or hands and can help to balance and relax body and mind.



Whilst the art of Reflexology dates back to Ancient Egypt, India and China, it wasn’t until 1913 that Dr William Fitzgerald introduced this therapy to the West as ‘zone therapy’.  He noted that reflex areas on the feet and hands were linked to other areas and organs of the body within the same zone. In the 1930’s Eunice Ingham further developed this zone theory into what is now known as Reflexology.  She observed that congestion or tension in any part of the foot is mirrored in the corresponding part of the body. 


Reflexology can help to restore and maintain the body’s natural equilibrium.This gentle therapy encourages the body to work naturally to restore its own healthy balance. Reflexology is suitable for all ages and has been shown to be effective for: back pain, migraine, infertility, arthritis, sleep disorders, hormonal imbalances, sports injuries, digestive disorders and stress-related conditions and more.


What happens during a Reflexology treatment?

After a consultation you take off socks and shoes and you make yourself comfortable on the couch. The treatment involves gentle, yet precise massage movement to all the reflexes of the feet.


"Reiki" is derived from "Rei" which describes universal energy and "Ki" which means the fundamental life force. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words – Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy."



Reiki originated in Tibet and was rediscovered in the nineteenth century by Dr Mikao Usui, a Japanese monk. It has been passed down by Reiki masters since that time and today is practised worldwide.


How can Reiki help?

Reiki may works on many levels: Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual.  It can helps to reduce stress and relaxes and  promote healing. 


What to expect from a Reiki treatment

The therapist will do a consultation. Remaining fully clothed you will be asked to lie on the couch or remain seated if you prefer. The therapist then places his/her hands on or around your body.


Each person experiences Reiki differently. During the treatment you may or may not feel sensation. The treatment can give you a feeling of well-being and calmness.



Shiatsu, like acupuncture, is based on Oriental medicine and aims to balance the body's energies through the use of acupressure massage techniques.


Shiatsu deeply relaxes the body, calms the mind and produces a sense of well-being. It can help a range of conditions from specific injuries to general ill- health e.g. back pain, sports injuries, reduced mobility, depression, stress, low energy and digestive problems.



Vital energy (Ki or Chi) flows through the body in channels called meridians. These may become blocked, producing physical, mental or emotional ailments. Shiatsu aims to stimulate the flow of Ki through acupoints to create positive changes in energy patterns and achieve healthy balance.


What to expect from a session

Several techniques are used to contact the meridians, ease joints and muscles and improve breathing: gentle holding, pressure applied with palms, thumbs, elbows or knees, stretches and joint rotations. Treatments are as gentle or as deep as required. The practitioner bases this on an initial detailed consultation and checking in throughout the session. Shiatsu is practised on a futon on the floor or a couch. It can also be done seated if unable to lie down. The client remains fully clothed throughout.


Before and after...

• Please wear loose, warm, comfortable clothing, preferably cotton e.g. sweatshirt, tracksuit trousers and cotton socks.
• Do not eat heavily two hours prior to treatment and avoid alcohol.
• After treatment drink plenty of water to smooth the flow of changes through the system and rest if possible


Lomi Lomi


A deeply relaxing full body massage with warm oil, that incorporates rhythmical dancing- like movements, using mostly forearms, palms, elbows and sometimes hot stones


The smooth strokes mimic the ocean waves.


Like all endeavors in old Hawaii it was conducted with prayer and intention.


Lomi Lomi is an ancient Hawaiian Healing Art.

Western Herbal Medicine

Western Herbal Medicine is the use of plants and dietary change to help the body to regain or maintain good health.


Western Herbal Medicine fits easily alongside orthodox medicine. Western (not Chinese) Herbal Medicine uses the same concepts, dividing the body into systems: respiratory, urinary and so on. We understand disease processes in the same way. We share a long history, only diverging in the twentieth century when orthodox medicine chose to use drugs synthesised in a laboratory rather than unchanged plant material.



We use herbs to help the body to heal itself rather than intervening with drugs or surgery.  Responses are often slower and less dramatic, but health improvements can be longer lasting because we focus more on the underlying cause than the symptoms. We use unchanged plant material rather than a drug containing one active chemical. One plant may have many beneficial effects without unwanted side-effects: for example Meadowsweet, from which aspirin was first derived, is anti-inflammatory and also soothing to the gut. Pharmaceutical drugs, on the other hand are usually designed for one specific purpose but invariably have unwanted side-effects. Because plants are also food, we pay a lot of attention to the patient’s diet. This is particularly helpful in cases of arthritis, candida imbalance, psoriasis and those experiencing menopausal difficulties.


Our Qualifications

Our degree course includes many of the same subjects as orthodox medicine and 500 hours of clinical practice. We are also required to pass a rigorous practical exam approved by our governing body, the National Institute of Medical Herbalists.



Most western medical herbalists prefer to use herbs from Europe because these plants evolved alongside us and are therefore more likely to suit our constitutions. We have a huge range of herbs to choose from so we can usually find alternatives to endangered species such as Devil’s Claw, which is destroyed when harvested because the medicinal compounds are in the root.


Increasingly scientists are isolating chemicals from herbs and demonstrating their medicinal properties. Hawthorn, for example, has constituents with proven cardio-vascular properties and no side-effects. Such knowledge is a useful addition to the traditional herbal wisdom accumulated over the centuries.


Herbalists and GPs

With good communication there should be no conflict between herbal medicine and orthodox medicine. With your permission we are happy to discuss your problems with your GP and we always encourage you to tell him/her that you are consulting us. We will refer you back to your GP if we think you need tests or drugs we cannot provide.



There is a First Consultation fee of £65.  This reflects the full consultation (1 and 1/2 hours) and research after the session.  Appointments thereafter are £40 per hour, £28 half an hour.  Herbal medicines cost approximately £8 per week - less for children.

Cranio Sacral Therapy
Holistic Massage
Hot Stone Therapy
Indian Head Massage
Sports and Remedial Massage
Western Herbal Medicine

Hawthorn Holistic Therapies | 4 Nether Liberton Lane Edinburgh EH16 5TY

Tel 07879 377 552 | 
Hawthorn Holistic Therapies Manager is: Ruth Muheim

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